Stella Artuso

sales page design & development | one-week website experience


Menstrual Cycle Coach & Somatic Experiencing

Through her 4-month group coaching program Blood Magic, Stella Artuso is guiding women(x) to reclaim their cycles and remember their divine feminine power. Blood magic is the culmination of over 15+ years of her personal and professional exploration, merging science and the sacred. Drawing from her experiences in research and academia, yoga and self-discovery, facing the shadow side of the feminine, nervous system regulation, and embodiment, she is leading the way to help women(x) connect to who they truly are.

To launch her unique program, we crafted a completely unique and memorable sales page using the Holis Squarespace template as a base. The Blood Magic Sales Page includes all the essential features of her program, highlighting the differences and uniqueness of Stella’s work through dedicated sections and a strong emphasis on the visuals, photography, and calls to action.

Photography by Paula Simons photography.

Section Styles sticky-left-column-portfolio

stella artuso blood magic sales page
stella artuso sales page details
stella artuso blood magic sales page on mobile
stella artuso reclaim your menstrual cycle
stella artuso reclaim your feminine power
stella artuso coaching and somatic experiencing

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Gemma Troy


Moment Sacré